Music in movies – The Breakfast Club


The Breakfast Club is one of those movies that occupies a special place in my heart. I’m pretty much the same age as the characters in the movie, although the actors are all 5-10 years older than me. John Hughes directed many of his films in the greater Chicago area (where I grew up). The high school that I went to gave out ‘breakfast clubs’ as punishment, but they were early morning detention during the week, not on the weekend as portrayed in the film. I feel like this film could have been about people I knew. Those who know me would easily be able to guess which of the five stereotypes I matched in high school 🙂

So I was looking forward to re-watching this movie. I didn’t remember much about the music apart from the iconic song used during the opening and closing credits: “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” by Simple Minds. Whenever I hear that song, it instantly takes me back to that point in time.

There’s a reason that I didn’t remember any other songs from the movie – because they are pretty forgettable. There are some instrumentals that provide the backdrop to a few of the film’s montage scenes, but none of them did anything for me. But the movie is strong enough that it doesn’t need a lot of music to support it. Besides, the opening and closing credits carry the musical responsibilities for the whole movie (if not for the whole decade of the 80’s).


Movie: 3.5/4 stars

Music: 2.5/4 stars

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